Policy mapping and benchmarking reports

Five benchmarking reports will be drafted focusing on the key thematic areas of GENDERACTIONplus: 


  • intersectionality and inclusiveness

D2.1 Benchmarking report on terminology and policy on intersectionality


  • gender-based violence in academia

D3.1 Benchmarking report on GBV and SH targeting national authorities and RFOs


  • the gender dimension in R&I

D4.1 Benchmarking and assessment report on guidelines for sex/gender analysis 


  • the monitoring of gender equality actions, including the development of a monitoring mechanism and indicators

D5.1 First report on monitoring ERA action implementation at national level

  • the development of a system for monitoring and evaluating the implementation and impact of gender equality plans

D6.1 Benchmarking analysis of monitoring/evaluation of GEPs


See our Glossary of terms

Strategic advice

In total, we will prepare 12 policy briefs to deliver the findings and recommendations to GENDERACTIONplus target audiences to improve gender equality policies and their impact in the ERA and individual Member States and Associated Countries.


Mutual learning and trainings

With the goal of overcoming differences and contributing to policy coordination, GENDERACTIONplus will organise 18 events to build capacities, competence, and expertise among the two project Communities of Practice, the national authorities, and RFOs. This will be implemented through joint workshops, targeted training, and other events, incorporating the results from the key thematic areas addressed by the project. Additional relevant topics will be identified at the start of the project. The European Gender Equality Taskforce (EGET) will also be included among these actions and it will provide bilateral support across countries with less and more advanced gender equality policies in research and innovation.


ERA stakeholder and citizen engagement

At least six citizen engagement activities will be organised around the key thematic areas. Potential methodologies will be selected depending on which target group to engage, i.e., stakeholders, policymakers, citizens and civil society organisations, to achieve our objectives. 


The engagement methodologies will include participatory and deliberative processes, such as stakeholder and public dialogues, focus groups, science cafés, and co-creation activities. A mapping of relevant stakeholder, citizen, and civil society groups will be done in the first phase of the project.

Data dashboard

An interactive presentation of monitoring indicators was created. The dashboard is a follow-up to GENDERACTION, where data from the study on National Action Plans were combined with data on women in science drawn from sources outside the project (She Figures, Eurostat, UNESCO). 


The dashboard helps to compare the previous and current situation in gender equality at the level of a particular country or groups of countries (e.g. MS, AC) and presents user-friendly statistics as well as the results of monitoring and benchmarking activities.