
Mutual Learning Workshop on Resistances

When: 12 – 14 June 2024 | Where: Madrid Our Mutual Learning Workshop have brought together members of our two Communities of Practice to learn more about various forms of resistance to gender equality, build competence to react to these resistances and take self-care in the face of them. You can find a press release on our consortium meeeting and Mutual Learning Workshop here. In preparation for the workshop, we mapped the experience of our consortium members with various forms of resistance. So what are the most common forms reported? Representatives of national authorities most often face non-prioritisation, where preference is given to another problem over gender equality, with denial of the relevance of the issue and inaction next. The situation is very similar in our research funder community, with non-prioritisation first and inaction and denial of relevance next. In connection with this, we will be communicating on our social...

Consortium meeting of GENDERACTIONplus

Delighted to engage with all our partners at our regular consortium meeting today. We have reflected our #FutureofInclusiveERA conference in February at Brussels, sharing the feedback received, but also discussing the work that has been done in the previous months. We are looking forward to the exciting work ahead of us, and awaiting the forthcoming Madrid consortium gathering in June!

GENDERACTIONplus consults stakeholders across Europe on intersectionality policy recommendations

On 15 January, the EU-funded GENDERACTIONplus project ran its third stakeholder engagement event. The purpose was to gather valuable input and feedback on recommendations aimed at lifting the focus on intersectionality and inclusion in European and national and RFO policies for higher education and research and innovation. Participants in the online consultation included representatives of European and national organisations, such as national authorities, research funding bodies, and organisations representing researchers as well as marginalised groups (including disability, gender, LGBTQ+ and ethnicity). The engagement of a diverse range of stakeholders is crucial to ensuring that the recommendations can be implemented as widely as possible. Developed by partners within the GENDERACTIONplus project, the policy recommendations highlight ways in which inclusion and intersectionality can be advanced at three levels – European, national (policy) and research funding organisations. The recommendations are informed by the results of a benchmarking survey carried out by GENDERACTIONplus during...

ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality. Conference by GENDERACTIONplus

ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality Keeping the Momentum, Addressing Challenges through Joint Action When: 13 February 2024 | Where: BOSA, Brussels The conference was organised by Horizon Europe GENDERACTIONplus project under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU  Date: 13 February 2024 from 9:00 am CET to 5:00 pm CETVenue: BOSA, WTCIII building, 30 rue Simon Bolivar, 1000 Brussels, Belgium You can find more information in this article. The conference brought together relevant stakeholders to discuss the future priorities for inclusive gender equality in the European Research Area. This has been done against the backdrop of the results of GENDERACTIONplus benchmark studies on gender equality policy implementation in European research, which have identified ongoing challenges and gaps and highlighted advances achieved in recent years. The debates highlighted the need for advancing intersectional and inclusive approaches to gender equality policy, focusing on creating an inclusive research...

RFOs CoP meeting in Vienna

The RFOs CoP has met twice during the consortium gathering in Vienna. The main purpose of the pre-meeting on 22 April 2023 was to get to know each other and the work of the various RFOs in implementing gender equality in the research and innovation funding process. The main objective of the RFO COP workshop organised following the consortium meeting and mutual learning workshop on intersectionality on 25 April 2023 was to share and scale knowledge and practises between RFO CoP members on intersectionality in the R&I funding process. The workshop was organised by using the NOW, HOW, WOW model. The NOW entailed an introduction and state-of-the-art presentation by Vinnova with the aim to get all members on the same starting point before entering the WOW; this took the form of a workshop in smaller breakout groups to discuss what achievements would be desirable to reach during the project time....

Consortium meeting and MLW on Intersectionality

Between 22 and 24 May, GENDERACTIONplus consortium met in Vienna, Austria, to discuss the work ahead and learn more about intersectionality and what it means at the research and innovation policy level. More than fifty representatives of beneficiaries and associates partners engaged in lively discussions that moved us forward in understanding the issues we face and clarifying mutual expectations. The event took place on the premises of our partner Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). On 22 May the two communities of practice, one of RFOs and the other of national authorities, meet to discuss the upcoming work and priority topics. On 23 April, after the opening speeches of Roberta Schaller-Steidl from the hosting BMBWF and the project coordinator Marcela Linková, the meeting participants were updated by Heidi Holt Zachariassen (Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research) and Fredrik Bondestam (University of Gothenburg) on the results...

Webinar: Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation (GiRI)

The webinar held online on the 26th of April 2023 was designed for RFO CoP members, but all other GENDERACTIONplus partners were welcome to participate. Members of the policy CoP learned about the challenges of RFOs and become aware of potential support measures.  For years now, the Commission has requested that beneficiaries integrate the sex and gender dimension into research content and innovation (GiRI) in order to increase scientific excellence and innovation. GiRI has become of increasing relevance since it was included as a recommended thematic area in the Gender Equality Plans mandatory for Horizon Europe funding.  By taking gender (and other social dimensions like age, disabilities, ethnical background etc) into account in the production of knowledge and innovation (in research questions, data collection and analysis, prototypes etc) research funding outcomes will be more useful and beneficial to all members of society.  The main aim of this webinar was to...

Webinar: Relevance of a national Gender Equality discourse in R&I

The webinar, part of WP7 capacity building activities, was held online on the 25th of April 2023 and was dedicated to all GENDERACTIONplus consortium members. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the relevance of a national policy discourse for the successful implementation of gender equality policies in R&I. Participants became familiar with what is meant by a gender equality discourse and what are central elements of a gender equality discourse. They became aware of the relevance of a comprehensive national policy discourse for a successful implementation of gender equality policies in R&I at national level. The workshop discussed the need for and advantages of embedding the national gender equality discourse in the European discourse, and the ways in which the EU and national levels can support developments in each. National authorities acknowledge their responsibility for pursuing a national gender equality discourse and build capacities to develop their national...

News from RFOs CoP

On 30 March, more than 20 representatives of our Research Funding Organisation Community of Practice met to exchange experiences from work in the field of gender equality. Apart from the presentation of the webinars and other events now being prepared in the GENDERACTIONplus consortium, a new allied partner to the RFOs CoP, the Malta Council for Science and Technology, was warmly welcomed into the Community. We are sure that it will be a much-appreciated contribution to the CoP! The ongoing work of two Working groups was introduced in the second part of the meeting. Emer Cahill from Irish Research Council explained how to mitigate gender bias in the research and innovation funding process. In her contribution, she presented a detailed list of aspects to be taken into account and concrete examples of interventions from practice. She also emphasized the need to monitor the success of implementing measures. The second block...

Stakeholder & citizen engagement workshop

On 17 January 2023, our consortium partner, Vetenskap & Allmänhet (VA) held an online workshop focused on increasing the robustness and buy-in of the work being undertaken by the project. The 2.5 hours workshop covered the following topics: VA (Public & Science) is a national expert hub for public engagement, citizen science and science communication in Sweden, with many years’ experience of running engagement activities both within EU-funded and national projects. The stakeholder and citizen engagement workshop was part of WP7 Capacity Building activities.