The 4th Mutual Learning Workshop of the RFO CoP on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual Harassment (SH) took place on 14-15 September at the premises of our partner FFRB in Milan. 25 representatives of beneficiary and associate partners, as well as members of the National Science Foundation (NSF, USA), participated in this on-site event. The aim of the workshop was to discuss strategies and create new solutions on how RFOs can contribute to the mitigation of GBV in the ERA. It also aimed to strengthen collaboration between RFO CoP members and the NSF.
After a warm welcome from the hosts, Paola Bello (FFRB), Helene Schiffbänker (JR), Sophia Ivarsson (Vinnova) and Fredrik Bondestam (UGOT), members of the NSF presented their experiences with implementing policies to mitigate GBV. They emphasised the role of RFOs in the responsible use of taxpayers’ money by holding research organisations accountable for implementing policies to reduce GBV. No research should be funded if the project leader or a researcher has a history of sexual misconduct or other forms of GBV.
Next, some benchmarking results from GENDERACTIONplus Work Package 3, in particular regarding the role of RFOs, were presented by Fredrik Bondestam, Maja Lundqvist, Susanna Young Håkansson (UGOT). Then groups were formed to discuss some concrete cases and to identify potential opportunities, enablers and challenges for RFOs to deal with these cases.
On the second day, the RELIEF approach was presented and discussed by ranking the priorities and defining steps on how to proceed. In the final discussions, Rhonda Davis and Margaret Martonosi (NSF, US) discussed with the participants establishing transnational collaboration in order to align definitions of GBV and to implement a universal Code of Conduct.
It was a great opportunity to meet and exchange face-to-face! All participants agreed that they are taking a lot of inspiration and motivation back to their RFO.

The 4th Mutual Learning Workshop of the RFO CoP on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual Harassment (SH) took place on 14-15 September at the premises of our partner FFRB in Milan. 25 representatives of beneficiary and associate partners, as well as members of the National Science Foundation (NSF, USA), participated in this on-site event. The aim of the workshop was to discuss strategies and create new solutions on how RFOs can contribute to the mitigation of GBV in the ERA. It also aimed to strengthen collaboration between RFO CoP members and the NSF.
After a warm welcome from the hosts, Paola Bello (FFRB), Helene Schiffbänker (JR), Sophia Ivarsson (Vinnova) and Fredrik Bondestam (UGOT), members of the NSF presented their experiences with implementing policies to mitigate GBV. They emphasised the role of RFOs in the responsible use of taxpayers’ money by holding research organisations accountable for implementing policies to reduce GBV. No research should be funded if the project leader or a researcher has a history of sexual misconduct or other forms of GBV.
Next, some benchmarking results from GENDERACTIONplus Work Package 3, in particular regarding the role of RFOs, were presented by Fredrik Bondestam, Maja Lundqvist, Susanna Young Håkansson (UGOT). Then groups were formed to discuss some concrete cases and to identify potential opportunities, enablers and challenges for RFOs to deal with these cases.
On the second day, the RELIEF approach was presented and discussed by ranking the priorities and defining steps on how to proceed. In the final discussions, Rhonda Davis and Margaret Martonosi (NSF, US) discussed with the participants establishing transnational collaboration in order to align definitions of GBV and to implement a universal Code of Conduct.
It was a great opportunity to meet and exchange face-to-face! All participants agreed that they are taking a lot of inspiration and motivation back to their RFO.