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Save the Date! GENDERACTIONplus final conference is coming

6 December 2024

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Towards new Horizons: Inclusive Gender Equality in FP10 and Beyond

When: 12 February 2025 | Where: Ateliers des Tanneurs, Brussels & online

You can find the registration form here. The registrations close on 31 January 2025.

Over the past three years, Horizon Europe project GENDERACTIONplus has worked to advance inclusive gender equality in the European Research Area. Our work is coming to a close at a time of intense policy negotiations that are shaping the future priorities for research and innovation, including Framework Programme 10. This is happening against the backdrop of strengthened right-wing anti-gender politics, social upheaval, and an emerging policy framework focused on competitiveness. 

The aim of the conference is to review the progress made in advancing inclusive gender equality in research and innovation in the EU; assess advances in policy coordination accomplished through GENDERACTIONplus Communities of Practice; and engage in a ‘whole system’ dialogue with policy makers, research funders, ERA stakeholder organisations, ERA gender equality officers, and scholars to discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead. 


Agenda of the event is going to be updated continuously.

9.00Welcome & Introduction
9.05Welcome speeches

Zuzanna Hazubska, the Minister’s Plenipotentiary for the cohesion of the state scientific policy, PL
Lina Galvez, European Parliament, Chair of the FEMM Committee
9.20Coordinator’s welcome
Marcela Linková, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, CZ
9.35Session 1: Gender-based violence and the impact on research careers  

Fredrik Bondestam, Director, Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research , SE

Country presentations:
Lucie Viktorinová, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, CZ 
Silvia Rueda, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, ES

Lut Mergaert, Yellow Window, BE
Sophia Ivarsson, Vinnova, SE
10.40Coffee break
11.20Session 2: The future of inclusive gender equality plans and intersectionality  

Jennie Rothwell, Higher Education Authority, IE

Country presentations:
Anna Knapińska/Aldona Tomczyńska, National Information Processing Institute, PL
Alexandra Bitušíková, UMB, SK

Gemma Irvine, Maynooth University , IE
Jan Gałkowski, University of Rzeszów, PL
Rachel Palmen, Universitat Obertade Catalunya, ES
13.35Session 3:  The future of research assessment 

Lydia González, FECYT, ES

Anand Tanvi, Antwerp Management School, BE
Sarah De Rijcke, Leiden University, NL
Jasmine Lorenzini, SNSF, CH
Silvia Penati, University of Milano, IT
Helene Schiffbänker, Joanneum Research, AT
14.40Coffee break
15.10Session 4: Illiberal governance, anti-gender backlash and academic freedoms 

Fredrik Bondestam, Director, Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, SE
Zuzanna Hazubska, the Minister’s Plenipotentiary for the cohesion
of the state scientific policy, PL
Kateřina Svíčková, Head of the Gender Sector, DG RTD, European Commission
16.10Conclusion and key takeaways
16.30Informal networking
18.00End of the event

You can find more about our ERA of inclusive gender equality conference in 2024 conference here.