Silvia Rueda Pascual
Silvia Rueda Pascual holds a PhD in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Valencia. She is currently Director of the Women and Science Unit at the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities in Spain. In addition, she is vice-president of the Official Professional Association of Computer Engineering of the Valencian Community.
Between 2022 and 2023 she was Territorial Director of the Regional Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society.

Until then, she was Professor at Computer Science Department of the University of Valencia, where she became the first female director (2015-2021). She has developed her research in Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics, Software Engineering, Human-centered Software Development and Digital Gender Gap. She was STEM-UV responsible within the Vice-Rector’s Office for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability, Director of the chair for Digital Gender Divide and coordinator of the Girls4STEM project, aimed at promoting STEM vocations, especially among girls.