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Keeping the Momentum. ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality conference is coming

3 January 2024

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ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality

Keeping the Momentum, Addressing Challenges through Joint Action

The conference is organised by Horizon Europe GENDERACTIONplus project under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU 

Date: 13 February 2024 from 9:00 am CET to 5:00 pm CET
Venue: BOSA, WTCIII building, 30 rue Simon Bolivar, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

The conference will be streamed for online attendance. 

Please follow this link in case you are attending the conference online.

The conference will bring together relevant stakeholders to discuss the future priorities for inclusive gender equality in the European Research Area. This will be done against the backdrop of the results of GENDERACTIONplus benchmark studies on gender equality policy implementation in European research, which have identified ongoing challenges and gaps and highlighted advances achieved in recent years. The debates will highlight the need for advancing intersectional and inclusive approaches to gender equality policy, focusing on creating an inclusive research environment through institutional change and improving the quality and social relevance of research and innovation through integrating the gender dimension into its content research and innovation. The outcomes of the conference will serve to contribute to the debates on the future ERA policy agenda and, ultimately, the next European framework programme for research and innovation.

To inform the debates about further actions and measures at the conference, GENDERACTIONplus issued a position paper on the future of gender equality in the European Research Area. You can find the PDF version here.

Preliminary agenda

8:30Registration on site
9:00Welcome and introduction to the conference

Conference host: Moa Persdotter, Vinnova
9:10Conference Opening
Marijke Weewauters, Senior Strategic Policy Advisor, Institute for Equality for Women and Men
9:30Recent advances and continued gaps in policy design and implementation:  Main findings from GENDERACTIONplus policy benchmarking 

Marcela Linková, project coordinator
9:45Audience engagement
10:00From gender to gender+ equality: Intersectionality and inclusiveness in R&I 

Fredrik Bondestam, UniSAFE
Heidi Holt Zachariassen, GENDERACTIONplus 
Rachel Palmén, INSPIRE 
Helene Schiffbänker, GRANteD  
Moderator: Eva Sophia Myers
10:45Comfort break
11:15Toward inclusive gender+ approaches: Looking ahead toward FP10 

Geneviève Almouzni, Chair of the Working Group on Gender and Diversity, European Research Council
Sophia Ivarsson, Vinnova, the head of the GENDERACTIONplus RFO Community of Practice
Sergej Možina, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the EU and ERA Forum MS Co-Chair
Anne Pépin, Gender Sector Team Leader, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission
Silvia Penati, CoARA, Scientific Leader of the Working Group on Inclusive Evaluation of Research TIER
Moderator: Marcela Linková
12:15Moderated discussion with the audience
12:30 Lunch
13:30Toward an inclusive research environment: Synergising existing instruments to advance inclusive gender equality 

Fredrik Bondestam, Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research
Izaskun Lacunza, Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
Jennie Rothwell, Higher Education Authority
Emer Cahill, Irish Research Council
Janka Kottulová, SAVIA
Moderator: Heidi Holt Zachariassen, Kif Committee
14:30Research and innovation quality through Inclusive gender analysis in R&I 

Lydia González Orta, Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
Helene Schiffbänker, Joanneum Research
Sophia Ivarsson, Vinnova
Silvia Bottaro, European Commission, CoARA Working Group on Improving practices in the assessment of research proposals
Moderator: Moa Persdotter, Vinnova
15:30Comfort break
16:00Maintaining the momentum 

Marcela Linková, MS Co-Chair, ERA Forum Subgroup on Inclusive Gender Equality
Anne Pépin, Gender Sector Team Leader, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission
Elena Phalet, BELSPO
Anna Wahl, Royal Institute of Technology
Moderator: Moa Persdotter, Vinnova
17:00End of event

Find the programme in the PDF version here.