Intersectionality and inclusivenes
We will explore existing policies and practices and the use of terminology relating to intersectionality, diversity, and inclusiveness in research and innovation in the ERA and EU Member States and Associated Countries with the aim of creating policy advice, awareness, and an everyday basis for action. We also seek to ensure that the gender+ perspective is mainstreamed into other GENDERACTIONplus topics.
In order for the research and innovation sector in Europe to become more inclusive and for policy to be effective at promoting research careers, policies need to become broader in scope and address more discrimination grounds than gender. For this to occur, we need knowledge and good examples of how this can be done to create good policy input and advice for the ERA and EU Member States and Associated Countries.
Our activities
- Benchmarking policies and the use of terminology on intersectionality, inclusion (geographical, intersectoral), and diversity and identifying strategies for inclusive research careers.
- Developing an overview of policy guidelines and data collection on intersectionality, diversity, and inclusion.
- Developing an overview of strategies on inclusive research careers.
- Developing policy advice on intersectionality, diversity, and inclusion for different ERA stakeholders, including policymakers, and valorising the new knowledge generated by the GENDERACTIONplus Communities of Practice.
- Increasing citizen and stakeholder awareness of intersectionality and inclusiveness in research and innovation.
Deliverable reports
D2.1 A benchmarking report on terminology and policy on intersectionality
D2.2 A policy report on inclusive research careers – yet to be approved
Mutual learning workshops
25.4.2023 | Mutual Learning Workshop on Intersectionality
Policy briefs
Position Paper n. 2: A New ERA of Inclusion and Intersectionality
Position Paper n. 7: Research Careers: The Ground for Gender+ Inclusion