Save the Date! GENDERACTIONplus final conference is coming
Towards New Horizons: Inclusive Gender Equality in FP10 and Beyond For those who could not participate, we will publish a video from the conference and a report soon. You can read a Final Word of the Projects’ Coordinator Marcela Linková here. When: 12 February 2025 | Where: Ateliers des Tanneurs, Brussels & online Find the Goodie bag with GENDERACTIONplus policy advice and other relevant materials related to our conference here. You can also find the Policy Advancements presentations in the Goodie bag, or click here. Over the past three years, Horizon Europe project GENDERACTIONplus has worked to advance inclusive gender equality in the European Research Area. Our work is coming to a close at a time of intense policy negotiations that are shaping the future priorities for research and innovation, including Framework Programme 10. This is happening against the backdrop of strengthened right-wing anti-gender politics, social upheaval, and an emerging...