We contribute to advancing gender equality in the European Research Area through capacity building, policy exchange and coordination, and provision of strategic policy advice.


ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality conference: How we maintained the Momentum in Brussels

In celebration of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality conference took stage at BOSA, Brussels on 13 February 2024. The event attracted over 60 attendees in person, with a substantial online audience joining remotely. The conference was organised by the Horizon Europe GENDERACTIONplus project under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The conference convened key stakeholders to deliberate on future priorities for inclusive gender equality in the European Research Area (ERA), leveraging insights from GENDERACTIONplus benchmark studies and a position paper drafted to inform the debates about further actions and measures. The position paper identifies current challenges, states our ultimate goals for advancing inclusive gender equality in ERA, and provides a framework for shaping future policies. It focuses on issues of intersectionality and inclusiveness, gender-based violence in research and innovation, the integration of inclusive gender dimension...

Keeping the Momentum. ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality conference is coming

ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality Keeping the Momentum, Addressing Challenges through Joint Action The conference is organised by Horizon Europe GENDERACTIONplus project under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU  Date: 13 February 2024 from 9:00 am CET to 5:00 pm CETVenue: BOSA, WTCIII building, 30 rue Simon Bolivar, 1000 Brussels, Belgium The conference will be streamed for online attendance.  Please follow this link in case you are attending the conference online. The conference will bring together relevant stakeholders to discuss the future priorities for inclusive gender equality in the European Research Area. This will be done against the backdrop of the results of GENDERACTIONplus benchmark studies on gender equality policy implementation in European research, which have identified ongoing challenges and gaps and highlighted advances achieved in recent years. The debates will highlight the need for advancing intersectional and inclusive approaches to gender equality policy,...

Mutual Learning Workshop on Resistances

When: 12 – 14 June 2024 | Where: Madrid Our Mutual Learning Workshop have brought together members of our two Communities of Practice to learn more about various forms of resistance to gender equality, build competence to react to these resistances and take self-care in the face of them. You can find a press release on our consortium meeeting and Mutual Learning Workshop here. In preparation for the workshop, we mapped the experience of our consortium members with various forms of resistance. So what are the most common forms reported? Representatives of national authorities most often face non-prioritisation, where preference is given to another problem over gender equality, with denial of the relevance of the issue and inaction next. The situation is very similar in our research funder community, with non-prioritisation first and inaction and denial of relevance next. In connection with this, we will be communicating on our social...

GENDERACTIONplus consults stakeholders across Europe on intersectionality policy recommendations

On 15 January, the EU-funded GENDERACTIONplus project ran its third stakeholder engagement event. The purpose was to gather valuable input and feedback on recommendations aimed at lifting the focus on intersectionality and inclusion in European and national and RFO policies for higher education and research and innovation. Participants in the online consultation included representatives of European and national organisations, such as national authorities, research funding bodies, and organisations representing researchers as well as marginalised groups (including disability, gender, LGBTQ+ and ethnicity). The engagement of a diverse range of stakeholders is crucial to ensuring that the recommendations can be implemented as widely as possible. Developed by partners within the GENDERACTIONplus project, the policy recommendations highlight ways in which inclusion and intersectionality can be advanced at three levels – European, national (policy) and research funding organisations. The recommendations are informed by the results of a benchmarking survey carried out by GENDERACTIONplus during...

Our objectives


Develop strategic policy advice on existing and emerging policy solutions in the five key thematic areas in the two Communities of Practice.


Enhance the policymaking process through engaging with stakeholders, CSOs and citizens, as relevant, in the five key areas.


Build capacities, competence and expertise for gender equality and mainstreaming in R&I among the policy and Research Funding Organisation Communities of Practice members, with special attention to countries with a less comprehensive policy.


Create impact through communication, dissemination and exploitation, including National Impact Plans and an EU impact plan.

Data dashboard

National action plans in Europe

comprehensive and consistent
focused without implementation
no data

Intersectionality and inclusiveness

We wil explore the use of terminology, existing policies and practices on intersectionality, diversity and inclusiveness in research and innovation in the ERA, and ensure that the gender+ perspective is mainstreamed into GENDERACTIONplus topics.

We aim at policy coordination and capacity building on gender-based violence and sexual harassment in Research Funding Organisations, Research Performing Organisations and national authorities, through policy benchmarking and targeted mutual learning and development of strategic policy advice.

Gender-based violence

Gender dimension in R&I

We will enhance policy coordination across the EU Member States and Associated Countries to advance the gender dimension in research and innovation from an intersectional perspective through the whole cycle of research and innovation funding.

We will provide indicators for monitoring the implementation of inclusive gender equality policies at the national level. Presented through a dashboard on the project website, indicators will be advanced, and will complement the ERA scoreboard and the ERA monitoring.

Monitoring and evaluation of GE actions

Promoting institutional change

We will develop a system for monitoring and evaluating the implementation and impact of Gender Equality Plans in order to support institutional change as the main instrument to promote inclusive gender equality in the new ERA.


  • Policy mapping and benchmarking
  • Strategic policy advice
  • Mutual learning and capacity building
  • ERA stakeholder and citizen engagement