GENDERACTIONplus appointed its members of the Advisory Board. The AB consists of 5 experts and/or stakeholders, reflecting project values, priorities, key topic areas and target audiences.
We are happy that our invitation to become GENDERACTIONplus AB members accepted Sergej Mozina, the co-chair of the ERA Forum, Yvonne Benschop from Radboud University, Adrien Braem, Senior Policy Officer, responsible for ERA policies and gender and diversity at Science Europe, Jörg Müller from the Open University of Catalonia and a member of our Horizon Europe sister project INSPIRE focused on research and analysis on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation. Last but not least, the member is Ágota Dávid, a science attaché at the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU.

Yvonne Benschop
Radboud University
Yvonne Benschop is a Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Institute for Management Research at Radboud University, the Netherlands. She is the director of the interdisciplinary research group Gender and Power in Politics and Management. She has received multiple grants from Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, FP7, ESF-EQUAL, NWO-STW, several Ministries in the Netherlands and Flanders, and private organizations for her work on the responsibility of organizations for gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Inspired by feminist organization theories and critical management studies, she studies formal and informal organization processes that produce organizational inequalities and interventions to change these processes and inequalities. She currently works on a research project on the influence of postfeminism on gendered leadership and on sustaining organizational change to intersectional equality. She was Co-Editor in Chief of Organization between 2015- 2020, sits on the Distinguished Advisory Board of Gender, Work and Organization, and serves on the editorial boards of several other journals, including Organization Theory, British Journal of Management and Human Relations. Publications in English include articles in the Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Sex Roles, Organization and Gender, and Work and Organization.

Adrien Braem
Science Europe
Adrien Braem is the Senior Policy Officer in charge of dossiers related to the European Research Area and Science Europe’s activities related legal matters and to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion. As a law graduate specialising in EU law and policy, he has worked for several organisations in research policy, public health, international co-operation, and human rights.

Sergej Možina
ERA Forum
Sergej Možina, a political scientist with academic background, has extensive experience in national and EU research and innovation policy-making. As Slovenian science attaché at the Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels, he helped shape the EU research and innovation policy and negotiated, among others, the last two EU framework programmes, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, and other legislative frameworks, such as the ERIC Regulation, EIT or European Partnerships legislative acts and others. He chaired the Research Working Party in the Council of the EU during the Slovenian Presidency in 2021, which chose gender equality in research and innovation as one of the highest political priorities – a fact reflected both among the main European Research Area (ERA) values, principles and priorities in the Pact for R&I and in the first ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024, all adopted at the time. At the beginning of 2022, the Member States elected him as their co-chair of the ERA Forum.

Jörg Müller
Open University of Catalunya
Jörg Müller is a senior researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) at the Open University of Catalunya (UOC) in Barcelona, Spain, where he forms part of the Gender and ICT research program. He obtained his PhD in Communications at the European Graduate School (EGS) in Saas-Fee, Switzerland and holds a degree in Sociology and Computer Science from the Free University in Berlin, Germany. He’s been an expert adviser to the European Commission DG of Research and Innovation. Main research interests include a practice-based approach to gender (in)equality, the science of team science, and new, data-intensive research methods within the social sciences. He has been coordinating several EU projects, including “GenPORT – Your gateway to gender and science resources” (2013-2017), GEDII – “Gender-Diversity-Impact” (2015-2018) and “ACT – Communities of Practice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe” (2018-2021).

Ágota Dávid
Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU
Ágota Dávid is working at the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU as a science attaché. Ágota started to work in the field of science policy in 2003. She has written her thesis titled „International Science Policy of Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century”. She was already involved in gender-related questions in research as a member of the Science with and for Society (SwafS) programme under Horizon 2020. She was also the Hungarian delegate in the Standing Working Group on gender in research and innovation (GRI). Ágota is currently a Hungarian delegate in the ERA Forum, in the standing working group on the global approach and in the European Open Science Cloud Steering Board.
Welcome on board, and we are looking forward to our cooperation!
GENDERACTIONplus appointed its members of the Advisory Board. The AB consists of 5 experts and/or stakeholders, reflecting project values, priorities, key topic areas and target audiences
— GENDERACTIONplus (@GENDERACTION_EU) December 15, 2022