Gender-based violence
In Work Package 3 we will coordinate policy development on gender-based violence and harassment in the European Research Area. We will do this by collecting relevant research and analysing policies in EU Member States and Associated Countries. We will collect and analyse preventive measures that are useful for research funding organisations, and in order to enhance commitment on a national level we will develop a template for a zero-tolerance policy on gender-based violence and harassment. Planned activities include, for example, mutual learning exercises for communities of practice in GENDERACTIONplus and targeted workshops to strengthen citizen engagement.
Gender-based violence and harassment occur in institutions throughout the European Research Area. According to recent research, two out of every three students and staff have experienced some form of gender-based violence. The consequences for individuals, groups, and institutions, and, not least, for the quality of research and education are severe. Developing measures and strategies to eradicate gender-based violence is therefore a top priority for the European Research Area and an important focus in the GENDERACTIONplus project.
Our activities
- Benchmarking the current state of research and policy development on gender-based violence and harassment in the European Research Area.
- Documenting and analysing the current and planned activities and measures of research funding organisations that focus on preventing gender-based violence and harassment in a national context.
- Developing a zero-tolerance policy on gender-based violence and harassment for research funding organisations and national authorities.
- Improving capacities, competence, and expertise on gender-based violence and harassment for stakeholders in the European Research Area.
Deliverable reports
D3.2 Baseline document on current and future RFO preventive measures on GBV and SH
Policy briefs
Position Paper n. 4: Ending Gender-Based Violence through Research Funding
Position Paper n. 5: Gender-Based Violence in the ERA: An Endemic Problem in Need of a New Cure
Position Paper n. 9: Ending Gender-Based Violence to Ensure Academic Freedom
Mutual Learning Workshops
14. & 15. 9. 2023 | Mutual Learning Workshop on gender-based violence and sexual harassment in Milan
Mutual Learning Workshop on GEP impact and monitoring