Silvia Penati

Silvia Penati is a full professor in theoretical physics, working at the Physics Department of University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. She graduated at University of Milano and spent a few years in USA institutions before coming back to Italy with a permanent position in academia. Her main activity revolves around research in theoretical high energy physics, aimed at understanding the fundamental laws that govern matter constituents and their fundamental interactions.
Working in a field where the percentage of women researchers is stably about 10%, she has always felt strongly committed to attracting more women towards physics and counteracting any form of potential discrimination that might interfere with their professional aspirations. She has chaired a COST project that included about 500 theoretical physicists all around Europe, which beyond ensuring top quality research outputs, adopted specific measures for promoting the involvement of women scientists at all levels. She is presently chairing the CoARA Working Group TIER – Towards an Inclusive Evaluation of Research, focused on the problem of bias mitigation in research assessment.