Promoting institutional change
In Work Package 6, we will develop a system for monitoring and evaluating the implementation and impact of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in order to support institutional change as the main instrument for promoting inclusive gender equality in the new ERA.
Most work on GEPs in the ERA to date has focused on capacity building and GEP development. Now, in reference to this work, it is important that we look at how we monitor and evaluate the impact of GEPs as drivers of institutional change.
Our activities
We plan to build on the work of previous groups and projects that have examined the implementation of GEPs across Member States, such as the first GENDERACTION project and the ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation. We will do this by:
- Benchmarking GEP monitoring/evaluation practices across the ERA.
- Developing good practice guidance on how to monitor GEP implementation and impact (focusing on Member States/Associated Countries where GEPs are not widespread or mandatory).
- Developing a system for evaluating the implementation and impact of GEPs (focusing on Member States/Associated Countries where GEPs are mandatory).
- Developing policy advice on monitoring and evaluating GEPs for different ERA stakeholders.
Deliverable reports
D6.2 Guidelines for establishing GEP monitoring systems
D6.3 GEP impact evaluation system
Policy briefs
Position Paper n. 6: A New ERA for GEPs: An Active Role for the European Commission
Position Paper n. 10: A New ERA for GEPs: National Level Monitoring and Evaluation
Mutual learning workshops
21.3.2024 | Mutual learning Workshop on the role of RFOs in GEP implementation
13. & 18. 12. 2023 | Mutual Learning Workshop GEP impact and monitoring