Monitoring and evaluation of GE actions

In Work Package 5 we will provide suitable indicators for the monitoring and assessment of inclusive gender equality policies at the national level. In doing so we will provide Member States and Associated Countries (MS/AC) with support in steering policy implementation and will contribute to the development of an evidence-based gender equality discourse. We will also identify and share good practice policies and thereby support mutual learning.

Our activities

  • Developing indicators for the implementation of ERA actions. These indicators are based on concepts developed in WP2 and reflect the use of inclusive approaches in policy development. The indicators will be discussed and agreed on in the consortium.


  • Analysing the implementation of national ERA policies using the set of indicators developed. The first report will identify developments compared to the initial NAPs (2016-2020) and map existing policy solutions as well as good practice policies. The second report will provide a final assessment of ERA action implementation.


  • Providing policy advice on monitoring and policy steering. Specifically, we will provide guidance to stakeholders at the MS/AC level on how to establish effective monitoring of GE in R&I at the national level in line with the European monitoring system. We will formulate a policy brief that focuses on indicators as the steering instruments for policy implementation and we will also present examples of good practices at the national level.


  • Presenting monitoring indicators in the GENDERACTION dashboard, which will contribute to an evidence-based discourse about gender equality. We will update the dashboard developed in the first GENDERACTION project and further develop it by integrating additional indicators and data sources.



Deliverable reports


A first report on monitoring ERA action implementation at the national level


A second report on monitoring ERA action implementation at the national level



Policy briefs


Mutual Learning Workshops


21.3.2024 | Mutual learning Workshop on the role of RFOs in GEP implementation

13. & 18. 12. 2023 | Mutual Learning Workshop GEP impact and monitoring


Other outputs


Data dashboard