Heidi Holt Zachariassen, Senior Adviser for the Committee for gender balance and diversity in research (KIF)
Heidi Holt Zachariassen is a sociologist and works as a Senior Adviser for the Committee for gender balance and diversity in research (KIF) appointed by the Ministry for higher education and research in Norway. She is also a national delegate for the Norwegian Ministry of education and research to the Sub-group to ERA priority 5 and leader of the work-package on intersectionality and inclusion in GENDERACTIONplus. Previously a Senior Adviser in international development aid where she managed a program on gender mainstreaming in Norwegian and international organizations.
Worked as a national expert in ILO, researcher at Centre for Intercultural Communication and a visiting scholar at Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo. In KIF she works on GEP implementation, GBV, organizational change, innovation and research careers. Previously an advisory board member in GENDERACTION and a national delegate in ERAC SWG GRI she took part in task forces on GEPs, GBV and sexual harassment, intersectionality, open science and innovation. Heidi Holt Zachariassen advices to the Ministry on gender and diversity issues in European R&I policy development and was a member of the advisory group for the development of a national research career strategy. I am a member of the international gender advisory board at University of Southern Denmark.