Elena Phalet
Elena has a master’s in philosophy from the University of Leuven with additional degrees in history and international relations. She started her career in information services and knowledge management positions in both the private and public sector.
She joined the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office in 2004, where she first worked on various cultural heritage projects before joining MERI, the BELSPO service for Monitoring and Evaluation of Research and Innovation, where she works as a data analyst and policy advisor focusing on R&D in the not for profit sectors. She has been a member of the Steering Committee for the last 3 She Figures, she is a member of the ERA Action 5 subgroup on gender equality, and chairs a Belgian inter-federal consultation group on gender issues.
Her interest in gender issues dates from my first year at university, where a professor in metaphysics actually said that the female brain was unequipped for the level of abstraction that philosophy requires.