National and EU Impact Plans


If the previous two years were spent mainly developing policy recommendations for the new Horizon Europe and European Research Area, now is the time to push. To this end, consortium members have drafted their national impact plans and as the coordinator we have an EU impact plan. The COVID-19 lockdown has of course slowed us down, but we were able to launch at least some actions via online meetings. The main work is ahead of us in the autumn.

The European Gender Equality Taskforce (EGET)
We are very proud and happy to announce the formation of the European Gender Equality Taskforce (EGET). Fun fact: “eget” in Norwegian means “own”. The Taskforce, run by Linda Rustad of Kilden, Fredrik Bondestam of the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, and Gemma Irvine of the Maynooth University, will consist in visiting countries and helping consortium partners to make advances at national level. So far, it appears that a lot of action will focus on Research Funders.