MLW on GE in ESF/ERDF funds


On May 12, 2021 GENDERACTION organised another mutual learning workshop. This time participants focused on gender equality in structural fonds supporting research and innovation.

The aim of the workshop was to provide an opportunity to the GENDERACTION partners, as well as to the members of the Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (SWG GRI), to learn about how the European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund contribute to promoting gender equality in Research and Innovation. It has brought together experts on these funds from different public administrations, as well as key stakeholders involved in the management of ESF/ERDF.

The results of the discussions and debates raised in this MLW will be the baseline content for a policy brief on strategic advice for the integration of gender into the content and evaluation of ESF/ERDF Operational Programmes for R&I. The policy brief will be distributed at the EC and national level, especially among the departments responsible for designing and implementing Structural Funds for R&I.






Welcome by Teresa Riesgo Alcaide, Secretary General for Innovation (Spain)

Welcome by Marcela Linkova, GENDERACTION Coordinator and SWG GRI Chair

9:15      What are the ESF/ERDF funds and what is the connection with R&I?

              Introductory remarks by Silvia Alvarez. Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy

9:45     How the ESF/ERDF Operational Programmes have mainstreamed gender and GEPs

              Helena Morais Maceira. EIGE

10:30   Coffee break

11:00    Round table of experiences from Member States integrating gender in the ESF/ERDF

              Moderator: Zulema Altamirano. Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain) and WP5 leader in GENDERACTION

              Helena Bezuchová. Department of OP Management, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

              Isabel Castellví Calvo. Women’s Institute, Ministry of Equality, Spain

              Massimo Carboni. Cabinet of Autonomous Region of Sardinia for research and innovation policies, Italy

12:00   Discussion on how to promote gender into upcoming Programming Period and the effects of the covid-19 crisis

              Moderator: Marcela Linkova. GENDERACTION Coordinator and SWG GRI Chair

              Caroline Meyers.  ESF and Sustainable Business Department, Belgium

              Antonio Mura. Autonomous Region of Sardinia – RAS

13:00   Close of the workshop