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Intersectionality and inclusion in European R&I

12 June 2023

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The 1st GENDERACTIONplus benchmarking deliverable report was published on the project website. The results from a benchmark survey of 15 national authorities and 20 RFOs indicate that they include many equality dimensions in their legislation and policies. However, when analysing the documents provided (laws and policies), these dimensions are not clearly articulated or discussed at any length.

According to the authors of the report, Heidi Holt Zachariassen and Ella Ghosh from Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research (KIF), Norway, there was a leap from inclusive legislation and policy to references to the intersections between different equality dimensions in documents and which groups are particularly vulnerable in academia. Where several equality dimensions are included, they are included in introductory statements and an additive approach is taken.

The lack of a unified understanding of concepts and uncertainty about terminology are obstacles for national authorities and RFOs to develop inclusive policies. There is also a need for disaggregated data, human resources, and national policy.

Significant contextual differences exist in Europe in work toward inclusive gender equality. For many, gender equality is a struggle.  The findings in the benchmark report corroborate findings in other recent mappings and studies, showing that inclusion and intersectionality are at a starting phase in European research and innovation policies. There is a need and an interest to lift the intersection of gender with other equality dimensions. Mutual learning initiatives, more research, and financial incentives and support are initiatives mentioned by many of the respondents, in addition to a more advanced legal framework at the national level and clear guidelines from the EU.

Download the Benchmarking report on terminology and policy on intersectionality in PDF (the report is yet to be approved).