EGET workshop in Poland


The implementation of National impact plans goes on until the end of the GENDERACTION project. On 7 September 2021 EGET online workshop was organized for Polish RPOs and RFOs. This was the first EGET meeting run under the GENDERACTION project. The event gathered around 20 participants including leading research executive agencies in Poland (National Science Centre, National Centre for R&D, National Agency for Academic Exchange, Foundation for Polish Science) as well as representatives of the Polish Academy of Sciences and public and private universities. During the meeting we discussed the following topics:

  • Structural changes: developing Gender Equality Plans; developing advocacy and commitment among stakeholders
  • Gender in research content as an aspect central from the perspective of research funding practices as well as a measure for enhancing the scientific quality
  • Scientific evaluation of proposals and internal peer-review processes: gender-balanced composition of scientific panels; the role of unconscious bias trainings for evaluators
  • Role of leadership and organizational strategies for creating equal terms for applying for research grants

The above-mentioned topics were discussed in the light of Horizon Europe latest eligibility criterion on Gender Equality Plans as well as European Research Area development.

The overall aim of the EGET meeting in Poland was to bring together and develop knowledge amongst RFOs, RPOs, and other national bodies responsible for and/or working with equality. More specifically, the focus of the EGET was to develop gender equality in research and innovation, gender mainstreaming as a strategy for structural change as well as fostering intersectional approaches to gender equality. The EGET meeting in Poland was organized in close cooperation with two key stakeholders in the Nordic countries:

  • Kilden: a knowledge centre for gender balance and gender perspectives in research in Norway, organized as an independent department of the Research Council of Norway represented by its Director, Linda Marie Rustad
  • The Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research: a knowledge centre for gender research at the University of Gothenburg, represented by its Director, Frederik Bondestam.

The EGET meeting in Poland contributed to capacity building through mutual learning and sustainable knowledge exchange on a structural level. The workshop agenda was developed in close cooperation with Polish research stakeholders and was built on Poland’s specific prerequisites as Polish RFOs and RPOs contributed to forming both the expression of interest and the content of the agenda.

The EGET workshop in Poland received very positive feedback from the participants. A detailed agenda of the meeting is to be downloaded in the PDF file.