CfA: MLW for more advanced countries in gender equality in R&I


Register for the GENDERCACTION mutual learning worskhop for more advanced countries in gender equality in research and innovation! The MLW will be hosted by Heidi Holt Zachariassen, a senior adviser at the Committee for gender balance and diversity in research.

Date: 7.-8. November 2019
Venue: Oslo, Norway
Deadline for applications: 1st October 2019
Applications via emails: [email protected], [email protected] by filling the application form

Tentative items to be covered in the MWL:

  • Visit to the Research Council of Norway
  • Meeting with Curt Rice, rector, OSLOMET
  • Visit to the University of Oslo
  • Visit to the Institute of Social Studies and meeting with the team implementing the projects CORE and NORDICORE
  • Participation in a seminar on 7 November organized by NORDICORE
  • Meeting with a representative from the Ministry of Education and Research who works with Horizon Europe issues

Tentative topics to be discussed:

  • exchange on gender and diversity
  • gender balance among professors (BALANSE programme)
  • exchange of gender equality work by RFOs