Join our R&I Days Twitter Campaign!


On September 22 at 5 pm (CEST), GENDERACTION and GEARING Roles are launching a joint Twitter campaign to raise awareness about the importance of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). Concurrently, the European Research and Innovation Days workshop “Get ready: A new ERA for Equality is calling” with Marcela Linková presence will be happening (check out HUB 4 on the program). Everyone is welcome to join us!

How can you, your organization, or project participate?

Tweet about GEPs in general or about GEP of your organization – why it’s necessary, how it has helped achieving gender equality, interesting facts, or anything else that might further the conversation.

  • You can download the PPT template(s) attached (here and here) to which you can add your own text to create an image for sharing.
  • Use the hashtags #RiDaysEU #ERA4Equality #GEPs and (if possible #HorizonEU #UnionOfEquality) in your tweets.
  • You can tag @GENDERACTION_EU and/or @GearingRoles Twitter account(s) to your tweet or picture attached to make sure we don’t miss your tweet.
  • You can use the function schedule tweet to balance your work and life 😉
  • If you don´t have your own Twitter account (or do not have access to the account of your institution/project) you´re still welcome to join! Send the image created from PPT attached above (in jpg/png) or wording of your statement to [email protected].

Help us to create a moment of visible support of GEPs as an important tool for achieving gender equality in R&I!



The #GEPs campaign follows previous joint campaigns centered on the hashtags #GEARINGLeaders (2020) and #GendeRRIng (2019). You can scroll the linked tweets to see what previous campaign participants have shared.

Please direct any questions to Matt Voigts at Trilateral Research ([email protected]).