Sister projects

The European Commission supports gender equality in research and innovation through, inter alia, international projects funded by its framework programmes for research and innovation (Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe). On this page, you will find a list of currently running projects. If you are interested in older projects, you can find their archive here.

Projects focused on Gender Equality Plans

AGRIGEP (2023-2025)

The AGRIGEP project aims to i) perform a responsible assessment of widening Research Performing Organisations’ (RPOs) current status on Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) implementation, ii) improve capabilities through intensive capacity building, and iii) develop and implement an agriculture and life-science targeted GEP with sectorial specific measures and strategies. Additionally, this project will work to establish the inclusion of GE issues within the RPOs’ educational system and professional training of students.


ATHENA (2021-2025)

The ATHENA project aims at removing barriers to the recruitment, retention, and career progression of female researchers, addressing gender imbalances in decision-making processes and generating a cultural change needed to avoid future gender bias and discriminatory practices through the implementation of  GEPs in six RPOs and two Research Funding Organisations (RFOs).


BUDGET IT (2023-2025)

Building Gender+ Equality Through Gender+ Budgeting For Institutional Transformation is a three-year project designed to use gender+ budgeting to transform institutions to advance inclusive gender+ equality and enhance the reputation, inclusiveness, and research excellence of the widening countries of Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey, assisted by leading university counterparts in Italy and Spain.


CALIPER (2020-2024)

CALIPER project supports seven RPOs and two RFOs in nine countries across Europe (Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Georgia, Greece, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey), that are in an initial stage of gender equality improvement, to develop GEPs and engage the local Innovation Hubs to transfer the gained knowledge beyond academia.


EQUAL4EUROPE (2020-2023)

The project focused on the implementation of the GEPs at six RPOs in the fields of art, humanities, medicine, social science, business, and law.


LeTSGEPs (2020-2023)

The project focused on GEPs and fostering the use of gender budgeting. To design actions addressing gender bias in RPOs, the project will form a network of partners with different levels of experience: they will work together to design a common methodology to implement GEPs in their environment.


MINDtheGEPs (2021-2024)

The project brings together eleven partners from European universities, research centres, and a scientific publisher united to construct GEPs and promote gender equality in research environments.


RESET (2021-2024)

The project involves seven large multidisciplinary universities from all over Europe and addresses the challenge of gender equality in research institutions with the objective to design and implement a user-centred, impact-driven, and inclusive vision of scientific excellence.


SPEAR (2019-2022)

SPEAR supported the implementation of GEPs in RPOs based on a distinct methodology committed to Creative, Open, Mitigating, Processual, Accountable, SMART and Sustainable (COMPASS) changes.


SUPPORTER (2023-2025)

The project advances inclusive gender+ equality within the European Research Area (ERA). It supports institutions to develop intersectional, innovative, inclusive and impactful GEPs, tailored to sports higher education institutions, and explicitly addressing gender-based violence including sexual harassment.


TARGETED-MPI (2020-2024)

The project supports higher education and RPOs to implement GEPs. It focuses specifically on institutional changes in business and management (B&M) schools to drive more inclusive, sustainable, and transparent academic cultures.

Community of practice & capacity-building projects

GENDERACTIONplus (2022-2025)

The project supports the coordination of gender equality and inclusiveness objectives of the new European Research Area. By developing and improving strategic policy in key thematic areas and the policy-making process for stakeholders and the public; building capacities and skills for gender equality; and creating impact through communication, dissemination, and exploitation, GENDERACTIONplus will foster the environment needed to enhance research and research careers, increase gender equality, and reduce geographic inequality by engaging countries and regions that have not participated greatly in the past.


GenderEx (2021-2023)

The project Gender for Excellence in Research was designed to build networks, exchange knowledge and engage best practices to stimulate the integration of the sex and gender dimension in research content.


Gender-STI (2020-2023)

Gender STI aimed to analyze the participation of women in science, technology and innovation dialogues between Europe and third countries. The project focused on three key areas: gender equality in scientific careers, gender balance in decision making and the integration of the gender dimension in Research and Innovation (R&I) content.


GILL (2023-2025)

The project will develop a pan-European collaboration and learning hub based on the Living Lab principles to become the open innovation framework for all European actors for open gendered innovation. It will focus on 4 macro-objectives: a) to enable the organisational and cultural changes, b) to enhance professional development, c) to increase the integration of gender and diversity into product design, technologies and innovation, and d) to allow gendered educational practices.

Research projects

GRANteD (2019-2023)

The project studies the occurrence and causes of gender bias in the allocation of research grants. It also studies the consequences of gender bias in grant allocation for gender bias in the development of careers in research and innovation.


INSPIRE (2022-2026)

The project will bring together leading academics and experts, innovative knowledge, policy approaches, and practices to establish a sustainable, globally renowned, high-quality European centre of excellence that will aim to mobilise knowledge hubs and fill knowledge gaps, reduce disparities across Europe, and bring novelty strategies for gender equality policies while strengthening European Research Area.


UniSAFE (2021-2024)

The project has a double objective. First, to produce robust knowledge on gender-based violence (GBV) in universities and research organisations. Second, to translate the knowledge into operational tools and recommendations for universities, research organisations, and policymakers to reduce GBV.